Dude, stop being so serious

With this piece, I turned a doodle into a painting. The purpose was to create something, well, humorous, while also retaining something more than just a punchline. 

I am sometimes annoyed by the overwhelmingly vague and grandiloquent language used by many folks in the art world to legitimize certain artworks. If they can create enough confusion by linking inexhaustible theories to such language in their art of art-writing, using overused words such as juxtapose, banality, and utilize (instead of use), then I suppose many people think they are smart and unquestionably correct. 

Why is the art world so serious? Is it because of the millions of dollars being exchanged by the few financial elite over a handful of contemporary artworks? Does a work of art really need to be valued as though it's a cure for cancer? 

Here's a middle finger. And the art police are chasing. Take the Ball and Run with It. 18" x 24", oil and acrylic on canvas.

1712 Beach Run Final rdcd3.jpg




To Be A Machine

Recently finished a stop-motion short film called HOP, a piece about life, mortality, and a theory of immortality.

I needed a dreamy version of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata as the music theme, but I couldn't find a recording anywhere. So I took up a keyboard myself, learned the relevant portions, and you can hear me playing it. I do not claim to be an expert with the piano; indeed there are portions of the song that sound imperfect, but with the somewhat raspy recording, that was the intention. I chose not to fix the slight errors, use an expensive instrument, nor seek an impeccable recording studio. I like when stop-motion is a bit choppy, not completely fluid, so as to reveal the imperfect nature of humankind. So the song needed to match.  

The theory of immortality in the video was a contemplation of the contemporary transhumanist movement. Mark O'Connell recently wrote a book called To Be A Machine about the topic. "Transhumanists believe that technology — specifically, a direct interface between humans and machines — is the only way our species can progress from its current, far-than-ideal state. Evolution is now in our hands, they claim, and if that means shedding the evolutionary training wheels of flesh itself, so be it." More info at NPR

Click on the Videos Tab on this webpage to watch the video. 

Hate Won't Win

Reverend Clementa Pinckney, senator and senior pastor at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. in Charleston, South Carolina, will be remembered for his dedication to public service and spirituality. Fellow state senator Marlon Kimpson described him as "a giant, a legend, a moral compass,"

Portrait of Reverend Clementa Pinckney, 24" x 18", 2017

Portrait of Reverend Clementa Pinckney, 24" x 18", 2017

Reverend Pinckney and the eight others who were murdered at the church have become symbols. Positive symbols of love and resistance, I think; spiritual symbols connecting all of humanity as one. We face conflict and fight on, crack, struggle, rise, fall, and rise again. Although they were victims of hate, they have risen and are glowing emblems of our push to create a more culturally cohesive society that appreciates and celebrates differences. Hate won't win.